Package it.unimi.di.mg4j.tool

Line-command tools for index construction.


Interface Summary
Scan.VirtualDocumentFragment An interface that describes a virtual document fragment.
VirtualDocumentResolver A resolver for virtual documents.

Class Summary
Combine Combines several indices.
Combine.GammaCodedIntIterator A partial IntIterator implementation based on γ-coded integers.
ComputeNumBitsPositions Computes the number of bits used by a high-performance index for positions.
Concatenate Concatenates several indices.
IndexBuilder An index builder.
Merge Merges several indices.
PartitionDocumentally Partitions an index documentally.
PartitionLexically Partitions an index lexically.
Paste Pastes several indices.
PrecomputeAlignments Precomputes alignments of two parallel texts.
PrecomputeIndex Precomputes an index.
Scan Scans a document sequence, dividing it in batches of occurrences and writing for each batch a corresponding subindex.
Scan.PayloadAccumulator An accumulator for payloads.
ScanMetadata Scans a document sequence and prints on standard output the corresponding URIs.
URLMPHVirtualDocumentResolver A virtual-document resolver based on document URIs.

Enum Summary

Package it.unimi.di.mg4j.tool Description

Line-command tools for index construction.

The classes in this package contain a main method, and can be used to build indices starting from a document sequence. Please have a look at the MG4J manual to learn how to build an index.