Class NullTermProcessor

    • Method Detail

      • processTerm

        public boolean processTerm​(MutableString term)
        Description copied from interface: TermProcessor
        Processes the given term, leaving the result in the same mutable string.
        Specified by:
        processTerm in interface TermProcessor
        term - a mutable string containing the term to be processed, or null.
        true if the term is not null and should be indexed, false otherwise.
      • processPrefix

        public boolean processPrefix​(MutableString prefix)
        Description copied from interface: TermProcessor
        Processes the given prefix, leaving the result in the same mutable string.

        This method is not used during the indexing phase, but rather at query time. If the user wants to specify a prefix query, it is sometimes necessary to transform the prefix (e.g., DowncaseTermProcessor.processPrefix(MutableString) downcasing it).

        It is of course unlikely that this method returns false, as it is usually not possible to foresee which are the prefixes of indexable words. In case no natural transformation applies, this method should leave its argument unchanged.

        Specified by:
        processPrefix in interface TermProcessor
        prefix - a mutable string containing a prefix to be processed, or null.
        true if the prefix is not null and there might be an indexed word starting with prefix, false otherwise.