Class AlignDocumentIterator

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AlignDocumentIterator
extends AbstractIntervalDocumentIterator

A document iterator that aligns the results of two iterators over different indices.

This class is an example of cross-index computation. As in the case of an AndDocumentIterator, we intersect the posting lists. However, once we get to the index level, we actually return just intervals that appear in all component iterators. Of course, this is meaningful only if all indices represent different views on the same data, a typical example being semantic tagging.

An instance of this class exposes a single interval iterator associated with the index of the first component iterator, as all interval iterators are exhausted during the computation of their intersection. Correspondingly, a call to AlignDocumentIterator.AlignIntervalIterator.intervalTerms(IntSet) just returns the terms related to the first component iterator.

Nested Class Summary
protected  class AlignDocumentIterator.AlignIndexIntervalIterator
          An interval iterator returning the intersection of the component interval iterators.
protected  class AlignDocumentIterator.AlignIntervalIterator
          An interval iterator returning the intersection of the component interval iterators.
Field Summary
protected  IndexIterator firstIndexIterator
          firstIterator, if it is an IndexIterator.
protected  DocumentIterator firstIterator
          The first operand, to be aligned.
protected  Index index
          The sole index involved in this iterator.
protected  IndexIterator secondIndexIterator
          secondIterator, if it is an IndexIterator.
protected  DocumentIterator secondIterator
          The second operand, to be used to align the first operand.
Fields inherited from class
currentIterators, indices, intervalIterators, soleIndex, soleIntervalIterator, unmodifiableCurrentIterators
Fields inherited from class
curr, weight
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
protected AlignDocumentIterator(DocumentIterator firstIterator, DocumentIterator secondIterator)
Method Summary
<T> T
accept(DocumentIteratorVisitor<T> visitor)
          Accepts a visitor.
<T> T
acceptOnTruePaths(DocumentIteratorVisitor<T> visitor)
          Accepts a visitor after a call to DocumentIterator.nextDocument(), limiting recursion to true paths.
 void dispose()
          Disposes this document iterator, releasing all resources.
static DocumentIterator getInstance(DocumentIterator firstIterator, DocumentIterator secondIterator)
          Returns a document iterator that aligns the first iterator to the second.
protected  IntervalIterator getIntervalIterator(Index unused, int n, boolean allIndexIterators, Object unusedArg)
          Creates an interval iterator suitable for this AbstractIntervalDocumentIterator.
 IntervalIterator intervalIterator()
          Returns the interval iterator of this document iterator for single-index queries.
 IntervalIterator intervalIterator(Index index)
          Returns the interval iterator of this document iterator for the given index.
 Reference2ReferenceMap<Index,IntervalIterator> intervalIterators()
          Returns an unmodifiable map from indices to interval iterators.
 int nextDocument()
          Returns the next document provided by this document iterator, or DocumentIterator.END_OF_LIST if no more documents are available.
 int skipTo(int n)
          Skips all documents smaller than n.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class
allIndexIterators, indices, indices
Methods inherited from class
document, ensureOnADocument, mayHaveNext, weight, weight
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final DocumentIterator firstIterator
The first operand, to be aligned.


protected final DocumentIterator secondIterator
The second operand, to be used to align the first operand.


protected final IndexIterator firstIndexIterator
firstIterator, if it is an IndexIterator.


protected final IndexIterator secondIndexIterator
secondIterator, if it is an IndexIterator.


protected final Index index
The sole index involved in this iterator.

Constructor Detail


protected AlignDocumentIterator(DocumentIterator firstIterator,
                                DocumentIterator secondIterator)
Method Detail


public static DocumentIterator getInstance(DocumentIterator firstIterator,
                                           DocumentIterator secondIterator)
Returns a document iterator that aligns the first iterator to the second.

firstIterator - the iterator to be aligned.
secondIterator - the iterator used to align firstIterator.
a document iterator that computes the alignment of firstIterator on secondIterator.


protected IntervalIterator getIntervalIterator(Index unused,
                                               int n,
                                               boolean allIndexIterators,
                                               Object unusedArg)
Description copied from class: AbstractIntervalDocumentIterator
Creates an interval iterator suitable for this AbstractIntervalDocumentIterator.

Specified by:
getIntervalIterator in class AbstractIntervalDocumentIterator
unused - the reference index for the iterator, or null.
n - the number of underlying or component iterators.
allIndexIterators - whether all underlying or component iterators are index iterators.
unusedArg - an optional argument.
an interval iterator suitable for this AbstractIntervalDocumentIterator.


public int nextDocument()
                 throws IOException
Description copied from interface: DocumentIterator
Returns the next document provided by this document iterator, or DocumentIterator.END_OF_LIST if no more documents are available.

the next document, or DocumentIterator.END_OF_LIST if no more documents are available.


public int skipTo(int n)
           throws IOException
Description copied from interface: DocumentIterator
Skips all documents smaller than n.

Define the current document k associated with this document iterator as follows:

If k is larger than or equal to n, then this method does nothing and returns k. Otherwise, a call to this method is equivalent to

 while( ( k = nextDocument() ) < n );
 return k;

Thus, when a result kDocumentIterator.END_OF_LIST is returned, the state of this iterator will be exactly the same as after a call to DocumentIterator.nextDocument() that returned k. In particular, the first document larger than or equal to n (when returned by this method) will not be returned by the next call to DocumentIterator.nextDocument().

n - a document pointer.
a document pointer larger than or equal to n if available, DocumentIterator.END_OF_LIST otherwise.


public Reference2ReferenceMap<Index,IntervalIterator> intervalIterators()
                                                                 throws IOException
Description copied from interface: DocumentIterator
Returns an unmodifiable map from indices to interval iterators.

After a call to DocumentIterator.nextDocument(), this map can be used to retrieve the intervals in the current document. An invocation of Map.get(java.lang.Object) on this map with argument index yields the same result as intervalIterator(index).

a map from indices to interval iterators over the current document.
See Also:


public IntervalIterator intervalIterator()
                                  throws IOException
Description copied from interface: DocumentIterator
Returns the interval iterator of this document iterator for single-index queries.

This is a commodity method that can be used only for queries built over a single index.

an interval iterator.
See Also:


public IntervalIterator intervalIterator(Index index)
                                  throws IOException
Description copied from interface: DocumentIterator
Returns the interval iterator of this document iterator for the given index.

After a call to DocumentIterator.nextDocument(), this iterator can be used to retrieve the intervals in the current document (the one returned by DocumentIterator.nextDocument()) for the index index.

Note that if all indices have positions, it is guaranteed that at least one index will return an interval. However, for disjunctive queries it cannot be guaranteed that all indices will return an interval.

Indices without positions always return IntervalIterators.TRUE. Thus, in presence of indices without positions it is possible that no intervals at all are available.

index - an index (must be one over which the query was built).
an interval iterator over the current document in index.


public void dispose()
             throws IOException
Description copied from interface: DocumentIterator
Disposes this document iterator, releasing all resources.

This method should propagate down to the underlying index iterators, where it should release resources such as open files and network connections. If you're doing your own resource tracking and pooling, then you do not need to call this method.



public <T> T accept(DocumentIteratorVisitor<T> visitor)
         throws IOException
Description copied from interface: DocumentIterator
Accepts a visitor.

A document iterator is usually structured as composite, with operators as internal nodes and IndexIterators as leaves. This method implements the visitor pattern.

visitor - the visitor.
an object resulting from the visit, or null if the visit was interrupted.


public <T> T acceptOnTruePaths(DocumentIteratorVisitor<T> visitor)
                    throws IOException
Description copied from interface: DocumentIterator
Accepts a visitor after a call to DocumentIterator.nextDocument(), limiting recursion to true paths.

After a call to DocumentIterator.nextDocument(), a document iterator is positioned over a document. This call is equivalent to DocumentIterator.accept(DocumentIteratorVisitor), but visits only along true paths.

We define a true path as a path from the root of the composite that passes only through nodes whose associated subtree is positioned on the same document of the root. Note that OrDocumentIterators detach exhausted iterators from the composite tree, so true paths define the subtree that is causing the current document to satisfy the query represented by this document iterator.

For more elaboration, and the main application of this method, see CounterCollectionVisitor.

visitor - the visitor.
an object resulting from the visit, or null if the visit was interrupted.
See Also:
DocumentIterator.accept(DocumentIteratorVisitor), CounterCollectionVisitor


public String toString()
toString in class Object